In recent years many mixture design methods have produced materials that are stiffer, leaner and more resistant to rutting, 然而, such materials are often more susceptible to fatigue and reflection cracking. The TX Pro Overlay Tester was designed to simulate the expansion and contraction movements that occur in the vicinity of joints or cracks and which result in reflection cracking in overlays. With the TX Pro Overlay Tester it is possible to characterize both the crack initiation and crack propagation properties of asphalt mixtures. The TX Pro is a dedicated, state-of-the art piece of equipment for carrying out this test. Automatically calculates critical fracture energy and crack resistance index according to 特克斯- 248 f.
- Super rigid frame, necessary for true results
- Outputs ASTM and Texas methods
- Integral surface-mounted, touch-screen control
- Fitted with elctromechanical actuator
- Ergonomically designed for easy operation
- Data down加载 via USB and up to 10,000 cycles per test
- 1GB板载内存